This page showcases a series of particular brandings for various projects and enterprises.
Website for NOEMIA Resort, Hotel & Apartments (
Noemia merges elegance, art and top quality service in order to create memories which will last forever.

In summer 2021 I was approached to create a new website for Noemia Resort, Hotel and Apartments. I entered the project with a lot of enthusiasm, since this was my first website project. I've been working solely on the UI, while the UX was developed by the other company from Croatia. Therefore, I created each button and click, sidebars, reservation bars, I've also edited all the photos, created the landing page video and wrote all the texts on the web page for both - desktop and mobile version.

Offering 3 different types of accomodation: hotel, apartments and resort - Noemia seems like a perfect getaway for any type of customer who is willing to visit Baska Voda and enjoy its beautiful nature and heritage.

Right after a successful graduation of Entrepreneurial and Business studies I’ve decided to give myself a try in entrepreneurship. Thanks to the initiative of EU Funds for supporting small and new businesses I’ve started my own business as a graphic designer in a newly opened Mramor Studio Ltd. The company logo featured an optical illusion of a cube made of two letters: 'M' and 'S' which stand for company name Mramor Studio. Naming a "brand" 'Creative Design Studio Mramor' gave me the ability to work beyond graphic design and gain experience in different creative fields.



Alca Jewelry was an idea for a start-up jewelry brand whose products were supposed to be handmade by the local artisans of Sinj, a small town with a huge history of craftsmanship. Name 'Alca' arrives from a local manifestation, an equestrian competition which commemorates a Croatian-Venetian victory in the Ottoman-Venetian war in 1715.
CULIS Business Platform
CULIS is a platform for Continuous and Sustainable Growth. Its acronym stands for CONNECTIVE & UNIVERSAL LEAN INNOVATIVE SYSTEM featuring 3 main dimensions in its logo: GREEN - LEAN - CONNECTIVITY. The platform is intended for: enterprises, corporations, public administration, public sector and is helping them in achieving the best results. The platform is run by a company CULMENA Ltd. and their CEO, Nedeljko Štefanić for whom I worked for as a student in 2015.